Do you know what to do when infant crying feels overwhelming?
Research suggests that some dads, mums or care givers can lose control when infant crying becomes too much. Some go on to shake a baby, with devastating consequences.
NHS leaders are advising parents and carers to remember ‘ICON’:
I – Infant crying is normal
C – Comforting methods can help
O – It’s OK to walk away for a few minutes if your baby is safe
N – Never, ever shake a baby
Abusive head trauma (AHT) – also known as ‘shaken baby syndrome’ – can cause brain injuries, which can lead to death, or significant long-term health and learning disabilities. AHT can occur in any environment when a parent or carer struggles to cope due to infant crying.
The ICON programme provides guidance on how to cope with crying babies, tips for comforting infants and advice for staying calm and relaxed. You can also download and fill in your own ‘coping with crying’ plan from the ICON website, to plan ahead and know what to do when infant crying feels overwhelming.
Visit the ICON website to find advice and resources for parents and caregivers on coping with crying: www.iconcope.org/parentsadvice
Content provided by One Liverpool, a partnership of local health and care organisations working together to support a healthier, happier and fairer Liverpool for all.
Published on Thu, 16 Jun 2022 14:08:31 GMT
Modified on Thu, 16 Jun 2022 14:09:27 GMT