Adult mental health support
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Axess sexual health service
axess sexual health is the free sexual health service for Liverpool, Knowsley, Cheshire East, Warrington and Halton. Online booking An online appointment booking service has been launched for axess services, book online here
Children's mental health support
Liverpool CAMHS which stands for Child’s Adolescent Mental Health Services provides support to children and young people who are experiencing mental health difficulties. What CAMHS can do for you CAMHS...
Find NHS services near you
Are you in need of a local dentist, optician, or a pharmacy? Find an NHS service easily by entering your postcode in the NHS service locator widget on this page.
Find your NHS number
Your NHS number is a 10 digit number, like 485 777 3456. It is on any letter you receive from the NHS. You do not need to know your NHS...
James' Place
James’ Place offers life-saving support to men in suicidal crisis. Their centre in Liverpool supports men from Merseyside who are referred by health professionals or have self-referred. Find out more...
Local advice centres
Advice centres are non-profit agencies that give advice on issues such as benefits and housing. You can search online for organisations such as: Citizens Advice community law centres welfare rights...
Local Authority Services
Sure Start Children’s Centres Children’s centres are linked to maternity services. They provide family health and support services, early learning, and full-day or temporary care for children from birth to...
NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can use the NHS app to: Get your...
NHS Health A to Z
Look up information about different conditions and treatments using the NHS Health A-Z widget on this page.
NHS Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC)
If you pay for NHS prescribed HRT medicine 3 or more times in 12 months, an HRT PPC could save you money. Please follow the link below to see how...
NHS Live Well
Please use the NHS widget on this page for information and advice on healthy living.
Podiatry service (footcare)
This service is provided by NHS Mersey Care Foundation Trust Patients can be referred to the Podiatry Service by your GP, a health professional or you can make a self...
Smokefree Liverpool
Smokefree Liverpool is a free, confidential Stop Smoking Service which allows you to quit smoking, your way. They offer a choice of support so that you can build a tailored...
Social prescribing
If you need any help regarding social matters (e.g. help with benefits/PIP/housing) please contact the surgery and ask for a Social Prescribing Referral to be done for you. Any member...
Support and help for parents
Contact: Families with disabled children Support, advice and information for parents with disabled children. Helpline: 0808 808 3555 Website: Family Lives An organisation providing immediate help from volunteer parent...
Talk Liverpool
Talk Liverpool provides psychological treatments, sometimes called talking therapy, to help people who have common mental health problems such as feeling stressed, feeling low in mood (depressed) or very nervous...
Treatment room nursing services
The Treatment room service offers nurse led clinics across numerous locations, providing care to the local communities. The Treatment rooms are an appointment led service and does not accept ‘walk-ins’....
Health & Care Video Library
There are lots of information and advice videos in the Health and Care Video library funded by the NHS. The videos are reviewed regularly by NHS clinicians to ensure they...
Self care
Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can also be treated by you at home? By treating yourself at home you could save a...
Who should I see?
We try to keep our GP appointments for patients with more serious health problems. Before you book an appointment to see a doctor please consider whether an appointment with a...
Are you looking after or providing support for a relative friend or neighbour? Are you being helped or supported by a relative friend or neighbour? Your GP needs to know...
Date published: 5th February, 2021
Date last updated: 1st August, 2022