As part of the NHS ‘Grab-a-Jab’ campaign, Sefton Park will be hosting Liverpool’s first mass vaccination event this weekend.
On Saturday 10th July (8am-8pm) & Sunday 11th July (8am-6pm), anyone aged 18+ can get their Covid-19 vaccine – and with thousands of vaccines available, no appointment is necessary.
Led by Central Liverpool Primary Care Network, and supported by Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, the pop-up centre will be located at Review Field, Sefton Park, next to Croxteth Gate and will offer both 1st and 2nd doses of AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines.
The weekend event is expected to be busy, so everyone attending is being asked to follow social distancing guidelines and wear face coverings, unless they are exempt – and not to attend – if they have any Covid-19 symptoms.
Anyone feeling unwell, is urged to book a PCR test and stay at home until the result is known.
Everyone can now access twice weekly symptom-free Covid-19 testing, so the park is also offering an opportunity to get tested at one of the mobile units, located at Oasis in the Park Café/Eros Fountain.
Dr Cait Taylor, a local GP and one of the Clinical Directors of Central Liverpool Primary Care Network said: “It’s great that nearly 70% of adults have had at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, however we want to reach those who haven’t yet come forward and also encourage people who have reached eight weeks since their first dose to have a second, for maximum protection. The easing of all Covid restrictions from 19th July means it’s even more important that people are protected by being fully vaccinated.”
If you can’t make it to this event, you can find details or other drop-in sessions taking place around the city at: www.liverpoolccg.nhs.uk/dropinvaccination
You can also book an appointment slot at a local clinic by visiting: www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination or by calling 119.
Content provided by One Liverpool, a partnership of local health and care organisations working together to support a healthier, happier and fairer Liverpool for all.
Published on Wed, 07 Jul 2021 10:38:29 GMT
Modified on Wed, 07 Jul 2021 10:38:29 GMT