Beacon Health Kensington
Kensington Neighbourhood Health Centre
157 Edge Lane
Liverpool, L7 2AB

Call: 0151 295 3600
Email us:

Support and help for parents

Contact: Families with disabled children

Support, advice and information for parents with disabled children.

Helpline: 0808 808 3555

Family Lives

An organisation providing immediate help from volunteer parent support workers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Helpline: 0808 800 2222

Family Rights Group

Support for parents and other family members whose children are involved with or need social care services.

Helpline: 0808 801 0366

Gingerbread: Single Parents, Equal Families

Help and advice on the issues that matter to lone parents.

Helpline: 0808 802 0925

Parent and Baby Groups

To find out about local groups:

  • ask your health visitor or GP
  • look on noticeboards and for leaflets at your local child health clinic, health centre, GP’s waiting room, children’s centre, library, advice centre, supermarket, newsagent, or toy shop
  • In some areas, there are groups that offer support to parents who share the same background and culture. Many of these are women’s or mothers’ groups.

Lots of children’s centres also run fathers’ groups and groups for teenage parents.

Your health visitor may know whether there are any groups like these near you.

Date published: 3rd November, 2022
Date last updated: 3rd November, 2022